Dana BĂDULESCU (Conf. dr.)

dana badulescu

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Dana Bădulescu holds a PhD in Philology following the defense of the thesis Impressionistic Modes and Metaphoric Structures in E. M. Forster’s Fiction and Criticism. She teaches modernist and postmodernist British and American literature, literary theory and critical thinking, transculturalism, poetics and translations at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, Romania. Since 2010 the foci of her research have been migrancy, hybridity, transnationalism and transculturalism. In December 2014 she formed a national research network which joined ISCH COST Action IS 1404 "Evolution of reading in the age of digitisation (E-READ)." This gave her the go-ahead to explore the process of reading in print and on screens.

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