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Erasmus+ Outgoing Study Mobilities Coordinator, Faculty of Letters
Faculty Council Member (since 2024)
Sorina Ciobanu, PhD, is a lecturer at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Faculty of Letters, English Department. She holds a Master`s degree in Translation Studies (English-French) and a BA degree in French-English studies (translators` module) awarded by the same institution. During her undergraduate studies she benefited from an Erasmus scholarship and stay at Universite Rennes 2, France. Her PhD thesis, Terminology and Translation of General Use ICT Texts: A Romanian Perspective (2014), was a corpus-based analysis of translation patterns from term to text level. In 2017 she published the book Translation Patterns at Term Level (Institutul European, Iași). She has authored and co-authored several scientific papers and has carried out research missions in the field of applied linguistics and discourse studies at the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, under the supervision of professor Ted J.M. Sanders, and the University of Genoa, Italy, under the supervision of Jacqueline Visconti. She is particularly interested in translation studies, terminology, contrastive and corpus linguistics, pragmatics and discourse studies. Besides her education and research in these fields, Sorina Ciobanu has also been working as a freelance translator (economics, political and social sciences, musicology, etc.).
Professional CV
Current teaching
Research supervision
Translation studies; terminology; specialised languages; general and applied linguistics (contrastive, corpus-based, and text-based approaches); the English language; discourse analysis;
Books & Book Chapters
Translation Patterns at Term Level. A corpus-based analysis in the specialised language of ICT, Institutul European, Iași, 2017
- Sorina Ciobanu, From verbal violence to argumentation. Stancetaking in a corpus of newsreader online comments, chapter in Liliana Ionescu-Ruxăndoiu, Mihaela-Viorica Constantinescu, Gabriela Stoica, Șerban Hartular (eds.), Attitude and Stance in Discourse, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, 2022, pp. 235-263, ISBN: 978-1-5275-7610-0
- Sorina Ciobanu, Traduceri în slujba specialiștilor și activiștilor (1901-1947), chapter in Muguraș Constantinescu, Daniel Dejica, Titela Vîlceanu (eds.), O istorie a traducerilor în limba română, Vol. II - Secolul al XX-lea, Editura Academiei Române, 2022, pp. 1683-1695
- Sorina Ciobanu, Terminologia informatică românească: între traducere și împrumut, chapter in Muguraș Constantinescu, Daniel Dejica, Titela Vîlceanu (eds.), O istorie a traducerilor în limba română, Vol. II - Secolul al XX-lea, Editura Academiei Române, 2022, pp. 1763-1766
Articles & Proceedings
- Ariadna Ștefănescu, Sorina Postolea, Verginica Barbu Mititelu, The Romanian Discourse Markers de altfel and de altminteri. Patterns of Use and Core Functions, Revue Roumaine de Linguistique, vol. LXV, no. 3, 2020, Romanian Academy Press
- Maria-Josep Cuenca, Sorina Postolea, Jacqueline Visconti, Contrastive markers in contrast, Discours, 25 / 2019, Presses Universitaires de Caen
- Roxana Patraș, Camelia Grădinaru, Sorina Postolea - Power to the People: Mythical Thought and Figural Language in Online Comments about the 'Colectiv' Case, Journal for the Study of Religion and Ideologies, vol. 16, nr. 48, 2017, pp. 31-45
- Postolea, Sorina - State-of-the-Art Text Linguistics: Corpus-Analysis Tools, Philologica Jassyensia, X, nr. 1(19), supplement 2014, pp. 51-59
- Anca Maria Clipa, Sorina Postolea - Investigating what Romanian IT recruiters and employees value when they negotiate employment contracts, SEA: Practical Application of Science, vol. 5, nr. 3, 2017, pp. 321-329
- Sorina Postolea, Lorelei Caraman -Between anthropocentrism and anthropomorphism: a corpus-based analysis of animal comparisons in Shakespeare’s plays, Linguaculture, Vol. 8, no. 2, 2017, pp. 119-133
- Camelia Grădinaru, Roxana Patraș, Sorina Postolea - Mirrors of Anger: the 'Colectiv' Case Reflected in a Romanian Virtual Community (Gândul), Dacoromania Litteraria, nr. 3, 2016, pp. 155-175
- Teodora Ghivirigă, Sorina Postolea - Using small parallel corpora to develop collocation centered activities in specialized translation classes, Linguaculture, vol. 7, nr. 1, 2016
- Postolea, Sorina - Translating in a specialised context: Challenges and risks, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iași, vol. LXII, Știinţe Sociale, Politehnium, 2016, pp. 51-66
- Postolea, Sorina - Translating world news. The language of international relations in newspaper articles, Anuarul Universităţii “Petre Andrei” din Iaşi, Lumen, Iaşi, 2015, pp. 57-70
- Postolea, Sorina - The phraseology of general use ICT texts and its translation from English into Romanian – A Corpus-based analysis, Studii de Știinţă și Cultură, Vol. X, Nr. 2 (37) 2014, pp. 231-242
- Postolea, Sorina - From regularities to norms in the secondary formation of ICT terms, Linguaculture, vol. 3, nr. 2, 2012, 'Alexandru Ioan Cuza' University Press - De Gruyter, Iaşi, 2012, pp. 101-116
- Postolea, Sorina - New Trends and Concepts in the Study of Neology in Specialised Translation, Anuarul Universităţii “Petre Andrei” din Iaşi, tomul 8, decembrie 2011, Editura Lumen, Iaşi, 2011, pp. 529-538
- Postolea, Sorina - Arguments pour une approche intégrée de l’enseignement du FOS à l’Université, Français sur Objectifs Spécifiques – acquis et perspectives, Scientific Journal of the Academy of Economic Studies from Bucharest, Department of Romance Languages and Business Communication, 2008, pp. 25-30
- Ciobanu, Sorina, Neonyms in Translation: A case study of computing in the Romanian language of IT, in KOÖKSAL Onur, DOLMACI Mustafa, PAMUKOÖZTUÖRK Nuray (Eds.), 4. Uluslararasi Dil Ve Çeviribilim KongresiTam Metin Bildiri Kitabı / 4th International Congress of Language and Translation Studies Full-Text Book, Çizgi Kitabevi,Konya/ Istanbul, 2024, pp. 242-250, ISBN 978-625-396-433-7
- Postolea, Sorina, Romanian and English contrast connectives. A corpus-based comparative overview. Juan Miguel Alcántara, María Bermúdez Martínez, Francisco Javier Blanco Encomienda & José María Heredia Jiménez (coord.), Investigación e innovación en la Universidad. Un enfoque interdisciplinar, Ediciones Aljibe, Malaga, 2018, pp. 207-219 ISBN: 978-84-9700-864-8
- Postolea, Sorina - Using annotation to identify connective meanings in a multilingual environment. Romanian and English contrast markers in a parallel corpus. In L.-M. Ho-Dac & P. Muller (Eds.), Cross-Linguistic Discourse Annotation: Applications & Perspectives, Proceedings of TextLink Action Final Conference, Universite de Toulouse, France, 2018, pp. 107–113
- Postolea, Sorina - Translation as a means of Innovation in the academic world, Proceedings of the 3rd ReSouk – EMUNI Student Research Multi-Conference, EMUNI University, Slovenia, 2011, pp. 1066-1070
- Postolea, Sorina, Cultură și imperialism de Edward Said: Cum să dai glas celor reduse la tăcere, in Cristina Gavriluță și Dana Bădulescu (coord.), Cărțile care ne dau aripi, Editura EIKON, București, 2019, pp. 167-177 978-606-49-0207-8
- Sorina Postolea - Edward W. Said: the Policy and Politics of Resistance, in Revolutions, the Archeology of Change, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference „Perspectives in the Humanities and Social Sciences: Hinting at Interdisciplinarity”, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Press, 2018
- Postolea, Sorina - Textual corpora in language studies – an overview of their types and uses, in Camelia Grădinaru, Roxana Patraș, Andreea Mironescu, Anca-Diana Bibiri, Emanuel Grosu (ed.), From manuscript to e-book, Editura Universităţii “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iaşi, 2015, pp. 40-47
- Postolea, Sorina - Translating New Concepts in a Specialized Language. Is Borrowing a Necessary Evil?, chapter in Camelia Grădinaru, Andreea Mironescu, Roxana Patraș (ed.), Perspectives in Humanities. Keys for Interdisciplinarity, Editura Universităţii “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, 2015, pp. 99-116
- Postolea, Sorina - Translational explicitation of polysemous English connectives. Corpus based case studies in Iulian Boldea (ed.), Debates on globalization. Approaching national identity through intercultural dialogue. Studies and Articles, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference “Globalization between intercultural dialogue and national identity”, Târgu Mureş, 2015, “Arhipelag XXI” Press, 2015, pp. 347-357
- Postolea, Sorina - A Corpus-based typology of Romanian ICT terms, in Cornelia Macsiniuc şi Daniela Maria Marţole (ed.), Change and Exchange. Proceedings of the Fifth National Conference for Students of English Studies at the University of Suceava, 9-10 May 2014, Suceava, Editura Universităţii “Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava, Suceava, 2015, pp. 129-138
- Postolea, Sorina - Hybrid terms in the Romanian language of computer science, Cornel Moraru, Al. Cistelecan, Iulian Boldea (eds.), Studii umaniste şi perspective interculturale: cercetări ale doctoranzilor în filologie, Conferinţă internaţională: Târgu-Mureş, 14-15 aprilie 2011, Editura Universităţii “Petru Maior”, Târgu-Mureş, 2011, pp. 839-844
- Postolea, Sorina - The transfer/translation of English terms in the Romanian language of IT&C, Anuarul Universităţii “Petre Andrei” din Iaşi, tomul IV, Serie nouă, Editura Institutul European, 2009, Iaşi, pp. 927-955
- Postolea, Sorina - O abordare bazată pe corpus a traducerii textelor de specialitate, Gheorghe Iacob, Irina Manolescu, Cătălina Clipa, Alin Marius Andrieş (ed.), Inovare şi dezvoltare în programele doctorale şi graduale universitare pentru adaptarea cercetării ştiinţifice la nevoile societăţii cunoaşterii, Lucrările conferinţei, Editura PIM, Iaşi, 2010, pp. 274-282
Editorial Notes & Book Reviews
- Sorina Ciobanu, Introducing Genre(s) in Translation, Linguaculture, no. 2/ 2023, pp. 5-11
- Ariadna Ștefănescu, Verginica Barbu Mititelu, Sorina Postolea, Editorial note, Revue Roumaine de Linguistique, no 3/ 2020, pp. 207-211
- Sorina Postolea, Foreword, Intercultural perspectives / Perspectives interculturelles, vol. 1/2019, Editura Universității Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași, pp. 9-12
- Ciobanu, S. (2021). English Morpho-syntax. A view from Romanian: by Ileana Oana Macari, Iași: Casa Editorială „Demiurg”, 2021, ISBN 978-973-152-417-7. Linguaculture, 12(2), 189–191.
- Neonyms in Translation: A case study of computing in the Romanian language of IT, 4th International Congress of Language and Translation Studies, 6-8 November 2024, Selçuk University, Konya, Turkey (online)
- with Rodica Dimitriu, Oana Cogeanu, Teodora Ghivirigă, From ‘fits of inspiration’ to acquiring transfer competence in translating literary texts. Consequences for designing (transfer) competence-based curricula, PETRA-E conference 2021 at Trinity College Dublin, 4-5 November 2021 (online)
- with Ariadna Ștefănescu, The Romanian markers altfel and de altfel: Discourse domains and functions in use, the 53rd Congress of the European Society of Linguistics - Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE), 26 August–1 September 2020 (online)
- with Ariadna Ștefănescu, Cyberbullying in online comments: a case study, 5th ESTIDIA Conference – Hybrid Dialogues: Transcending Binary Thinking and Moving Away from Societal Polarizations, Napoli „L’Orientale” University, 19-21 September 2019, Napoli, Italy
- cu Ariadna Ștefănescu and Verginica Barbu-Mititelu, From Epistemic Stance Taking to Complex Positioning. Comparative views on the Romanian altfel / altminteri and their variants, International Conference Discourse Markers in Romance Languages: Boundaries and Interfaces (DISROM 2019), University of Bergamo, 29-31 May 2019, Bergamo, Italy
- Romanian and English Contrast Connectives. A corpus-based comparative overview (poster), International Researchers’ Night, 28 septembrie 2018, University of Granada, Campus Ceuta, Spain
- Using annotation to identify connective meanings in a multilingual environment. Romanian and English contrast markers in a parallel corpus (poster), Cross-Linguistic Discourse Annotation: Applications & Perspectives, TextLink Final Action Conference, Universite de Toulouse, 19-21 March 2018, Toulouse, France
- Adversative markers in Romanian and English. A translation-based contrastive analysis, 5th International Conference Discourse Markers in Romance Languages: Boundaries and Interfaces, 8-10 November 2017, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
- Discourse connectives in translation: the Romanian ȘI, DAR, and IAR in a corpus of European Parliament statements, International Cross-border Conference Embracing Linguistic and Cultural Diversity through English, 13-15 October 2017, Chernivtsi, Ukraine
- Contrast and concessive relations in a small Romanian-English parallel corpus. Results of a pilot annotation project, Colloquim organised by the Utrecht Institute of Linguistics and the University of Utrecht, 10 December 2015, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, the Netherlands
- A Translation-based assessment of PDTB explicit connectives in Romanian (poster), TextLink – Structuring Discourse in Multilingual Europe – First Action Conference, Université Catholique de Louvain, 26-28 January 2015, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
- A Translation-Oriented Analysis of Commercial Press Releases, 12th International Conference Synergies in Communication, 31 October-1 November 2024, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest (online)
- Extreme Transediting: From Commercial Press Releases to IT News Reports, International Conference From Runes to the New Media and Digital Books, 30-31 May 2019, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, Iași
- with Ariadna Ștefănescu, The Attitudinal Meaning of Some Romanian Textual Connectors: The Case of altminteri (“oherwise’), altfel (‘otherwise’), de altminteri (‘in fact’), de altfel (‘actually’), the 18th International Colloquium of the Department of Romanian Linguistics: Romanian and Romance languages, 23−24 November 2018, University of Bucharest, Bucharest
- Edward Said’s Culture and Imperialism: Voicing the Silenced, International Conference „The Books that Made Us”, 26 May 2018, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași
- Edward W. Said: the Policy and Politics of Resistance, 6th International Conference Perspectives in the Humanities and Social Sciences: Hinting at Interdisciplinarity - Revolutions, the Archeology of Change, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, 26-27 May 2017, Iaşi, Romania
- with Lorelei Caraman, Between anthropocentrism and anthropomorphism: A corpus-based analysis of animal comparisons in Shakespeare’s plays, International Conference "Re-reading, Re-writing, Re-Contextualising Shakespeare", "Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, 27-29 October 2016, Iaşi
- Migrating knowledge. New concepts and their settling into new languages, International Conference “Perspectives in the Humanities and Social Sciences: Hinting at Interdisciplinarity”, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iaşi, 19-20 May 2016, Iaşi
- Corpusul și utilizările sale în lingvistica modernă [The Corpus and its Uses in Modern Linguistics], CoRoLa (General Reference Corpus for Romanian) Seminar, 22 February 2016, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, Iaşi
- with Teodora Ghivirigă, Using small parallel corpora to develop collocation-centered activities in specialized translation classes, “Innovation in Translator Education - Seminar for Directors/ Coordinators of Translation, Interpreting and Translation Studies Programmes”, satellite event of the Coimbra Group Seminar "A Tradition of Innovation", 26-28 October, 2015, Iași
- Translating world news. The language of international relations in newspaper articles, National Conference “Contemporary dimensions of development. The Romanian background of European Synchronisation”, “Petre Andrei” University of Iaşi, 5-6 June 2015, Iaşi
- Textual corpora in language studies – an overview of their types and uses, International Conference “Perspectives in the Humanities and Social Sciences: Hinting at Interdisciplinarity”, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iaşi, 29-30 May 2015, Iaşi
- Translational explicitation of polysemous English connectives. Corpus-based case studies, International Conference “Globalization between intercultural dialogue and nationalidentity”, University of Târgu Mureş, 28-29 May 2015, Târgu Mureş
- State-of-the-art text linguistics: Corpus-analysis tools, International Conference “Perspectives in the Humanities and Social Sciences: Hinting at Interdisciplinarity”, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iaşi, 23-24 May 2014, Iași
- A corpus-based typology of Romanian ICT terms, CONSENSUS – The National Conference for Students of English Studies at the University of Suceava, 5th Edition, 9-10 May 2014, Suceava
- Hybrid Terms in the Romanian Language of Computer Science, International Conference of Philology PhD Students, University of Târgu Mureş, 14-15 April 2011, Târgu Mureş
- New trends and concepts in the study of neology in specialised translation, National Conference “Contemporary dimensions of development. The Romanian background of European synchronization”, “Petre Andrei” University of Iaşi, “Translation and European intercultural communication” Section, 3-4 June 2011, Iaşi
- Translation as a means of innovation in the academic world, ReSouk 2011 – EMUNI Student Research Multi-Conference, the Euro-Mediterranean University şi Arab University of Beirut, co-organizer: “Petre Andrei” University of Iaşi, 21 March 2011, Iaşi
- A corpus-based approach to the translation of specialised texts - A study in the field of IT&C, “Innovation and development in university doctoral and gradual programmes in order to adapt scientific research to the needs of the knowledge society” Conference, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, 22-23 October 2010, Iaşi
- Arguments pour une approche intégrée de l’enseignement du FOS à l’Université, International Colloquium “Français sur Objectifs Spécifiques – acquis et perspectives”, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, 1-3 October 2007, Bucharest
- A-t-on besoin d’une stratégie nationale pour la traduction?, International Colloquium “How do we manage a Babel Europe?”, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, 15-20 October 2007, Sibiu
Participation in projects
- October 2023 - ongoing - Management Committee Member for Romania, Science Communication Co-Coordinator, Working Group Member - ENEOLI: European Network on Lexical Innovation (CA22126)
- September 2020 - ongoing - member of the Romanian team in the EU-funded project - EFFORT: Towards a European framework of reference for translation (2020-1-ES01-KA203-082579)
- October 2018 - November 2021 - Management Committee Member Substitute - COST Action European network for argumentation and public policy analysis (CA 17132)
- October 2014 - April 2018, member of Working Groups 2 (Interoperable Annotation Guidelines) and 3 (Assessment of Empirical and Cognitive Soundness) of the COST Action TextLink: Structuring Discourse in Multilingual Europe (IS1312)
- October 2010 – March 2011, member of the team involved in the project Global English, implemented by British Council Romania in partnership with the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports
- 2009-2011 – member, as a translator and interpreter, of the team implementing the SOPHRD Project (ID 3858) Regional Cooperation for Entrepreneurial Excellence
Editorial experience
- since 2018, managing editor/general manager – Linguaculture, International Journal
- 2019-2021, deputy editor-in-chief – Intercultural Perspectives / Perspectives interculturelles (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Press)
- 2017-2018, technical editor – Linguaculture, International Journal
- 2012-2015, managing editor – Polis – Political Science Journal, "Petre Andrei” University of Iaşi / Editura Institutul European Iaşi
- Co-editor Linguaculture, no. 2/2023, thematic issue on Genre(s) in Translation
- Co-editor Linguaculture, no. 2/2021, Varia
- Co-editor Revue Roumaine de Linguistique, vol. LXV, nr. 3, 2020, thematic issue: Approaches to Discourse-Relational Devices (DRDs): Textual Connectors, Discourse Markers, Modal Particles
- Co-editor Linguaculture, no. 1/2020, thematic issue: Crossroads of Language, Culture and Education
- Co-editor Linguaculture, no. 1/2019, Embracing Linguistic and Cultural Diversity Through English
- Co-editor, Intercultural Perspectives / Perspectives interculturelles, vol. 1/2019, Interculturality in the world of academia and beyond
- 2015 - copyeditor for French in Camelia Grădinaru, Roxana Patraș, Andreea Mironescu, Anca-Diana Bibiri, Emanuel Grosu (ed.), From manuscript to e-book, Editura Universității “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iaşi
- 2015 - member of editorial team - Petre Andrei University Yearbook, Tome 8, December 2011, pp. 529-538, Editura Lumen, Iaşi, 2011
Research, training & project-related activities
- abroad
- 6 October 2023, participation in the Management Committee first Meeting, ENEOLI - European Network on Lexical Innovation, COST Association headquarters, Bruxelles, Belgium
- 26 June 2023, participation in the final Transnational Project Meeting/Multiplier Event Erasmus+ Project European Framework of Reference for Translators, European Economic and Social Committee, Bruxelles, Belgium
- 6 October 2022, participation in the Transnational Project Meeting 4, Erasmus+ Project European Framework of Reference for Translators, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
- 12-15 February 2020, participation in the preparatory meetings for the Erasmus+ Project European Framework of Reference for Translators, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
- 19-22 March 2019, participation in the first APPLY Conference and the first meeting of Working Group 1 within the COST Action APPLY – European Network for Argumentation and Public Policy Analysis, NOVA University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
- 12-14 June 2017, participation in the workshop and working group meeting Annotation of Discourse Relational Devices (DRDs): Multilingual and Multimodal Challenges, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
- 14-28 September 2016: Short Term Scientific Mission at the University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy
- 13-14 April 2016: participation in the joint meeting of Working Groups 2 and 3 of the COST Action TextLink – Structuring Discourse in Multilingual Europe (IS1312), Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Budapest, Hungary
- 18-22 January 2016: Training School “Methods and tools for the analysis of discourse relational devices”, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
- 30 November-12 December 2015: Short Term Scientific Mission at the University of Utrecht / Utrecht Institute of Linguistics, Utrecht, The Netherlands
- 21-22 April 2015: participation in the joint meeting of Working Groups 2 and 3 of the COST Action TextLink – Structuring Discourse in Multilingual Europe (IS1312), Université de Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland
- 29 April 2011: participation in the seminar Neology in Specialised Translation, organised by the Institut Supérieur de Traducteurs et Interprètes, the Termisti Centre at the Haute Ecole of Brussels, and the Centrum voor Vaktaal en Communicatie at the Erasmushogeschool, Brussels, Belgium
- in Romania
- 23 March 2016: participation in the workshop European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC), European Commission Representation headquarters, Bucharest, Romania
- 30 May 2015: participation in the workshop Using various learning tools to motivate learners both inside and outside the classroom (trainers - David Hughes and Roy Twemlow), organised by the British Council at “Al.I. Cuza” University of Iaşi
- 16 May 2015: participation in the seminar Preparing students for CPE, organised by the British Council at the Iaşi Teachers Association
- 23 May 2014: participation in the workshop Career development opportunities for young researchers (trainers: Professor Dumitru Luca and Elena Luca), organised by “Al.I. Cuza” University of Iași
- 5 May 2011: participation in the seminar Guide on publishing articles in international journals delivered by Radka Machkova, Business Manager South-Eastern Europe, Emerald Publishing Group at “Petre Andrei” University of Iaşi
- 28-29 October 2010: participation in the lectures and workshops delivered during the Annual Conference of the Romanian Association of Teachers of English (RATE), Iaşi