Sorina CIOBANU (Lect. dr.)

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Erasmus+ Outgoing Study Mobilities Coordinator, Faculty of Letters

Faculty Council Member (since 2024)

Sorina Ciobanu, PhD, is a lecturer at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Faculty of Letters, English Department. She holds a Master`s degree in Translation Studies (English-French) and a BA degree in French-English studies (translators` module) awarded by the same institution. During her undergraduate studies she benefited from an Erasmus scholarship and stay at Universite Rennes 2, France. Her PhD thesis, Terminology and Translation of General Use ICT Texts: A Romanian Perspective (2014), was a corpus-based analysis of translation patterns from term to text level. In 2017 she published the book Translation Patterns at Term Level (Institutul European, Iași). She has authored and co-authored several scientific papers and has carried out research missions in the field of applied linguistics and discourse studies at the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, under the supervision of professor Ted J.M. Sanders, and the University of Genoa, Italy, under the supervision of Jacqueline Visconti. She is particularly interested in translation studies, terminology, contrastive and corpus linguistics, pragmatics and discourse studies. Besides her education and research in these fields, Sorina Ciobanu has also been working as a freelance translator (economics, political and social sciences, musicology, etc.).


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