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Dragoș Avădanei currently teaches at the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures. A graduate of the same university, in 2006 he earned his Ph.D. with a paper on Hypertext Literature. His research interests also include Cognitive Science, American Literature and Critical Thinking. He is the author of several books (Literatura hipertextuală: către o poetică a interactivităţii creatoare, Ed. „Universitas XXI”, Iaşi, 2005, Cognitive Science and the Humanities, Ed. „Universitas XXI”, Iaşi, 2010, Legal English Practical Course,Ed. „Universitas XXI”, Iaşi, 2011, Interpreting Literary Texts, Ed. “Politehnium”, Iasi, 2013, Between Critical Thinking and Literary Critical Thinking, Ed. “Institutul European”, Iasi, 2013) and many articles on similar topics.