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I am a translator and interpreter and have been active in the field of Literary and Specialized translation for almost a decade. I became a professional certified translator in 2016, but I also hold certificates in Medical, Literary and Technical Translation, having worked as a freelancer for a contractor of the Romanian Directorate-General for Translation. Having graduated from the Faculty of Letters at UAIC with a BA in Translation and Interpreting (English Major and French Minor) and an MA in Translation Studies and Terminology, I defended my PhD thesis titled “Feminist Ideology and Translated Literature” in the summer of 2023, and received a Summa cum laude distinction. My published translations for Cartea Românească Publishing and Black Swan Publishing include: “Cărticica poporului ascuns” (The Little Book of the Hidden People), “Evanghelia țiparilor” (The Gospel of Eels), “Trolii lui Putin” (Putin’s Trolls), “Crama lui Stalin” (Stalin’s Wine Cellar), “Kult” and “Betrayal” (“Trădarea”) (a sequel to the highly popular action thriller The Englishman), with upcoming titles to follow. Moreover, I also work as an interpreter for various conferences and events. Since 2019, I have been teaching practical courses and seminars to undergraduate students, as a member of the English Department, on English Syntax, Terminology, Grammar, Translation and Discourse Analysis, the latter being closely tied to a recent publication of mine, titled “A pun and an anecdote walk into a bar… no joke: an analysis of humor in parliamentary discourse” (published in 2023 for Performantica Publishing House). The realm of Discourse analysis is one that is of great interest and dear to my heart, given that it was the topic of my BA paper. Apart from Translation Studies, Terminology and Discourse Analysis, other areas of interest include Gender Studies, Intercultural communication, and Translation Quality Assessment..