Mădălina MANDICI (Asist. dr.)

Madalina Mandici

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Mădălina Elena Mandici joined the English Department as a teaching assistant in 2020, becoming a Junior Lecturer in 2022. Her work and academic experience has been mainly linked to Victorian literature, English morphosyntax, and TEFL. Her teaching range also includes grammar and academic writing across the undergraduate English programme. Her doctoral dissertation addressed the reading practices of female characters in the Victorian novel and received a Summa cum laude distinction. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Romanian and English Language and Literature and a Masters in Applied Linguistics – Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Mădălina Elena Mandici has published research articles in academic journals and conference proceedings and participated in various national and international academic events. She is the author of Female Readers in the Victorian Novel (2023) and the co-author of English Morphosyntax. A brief course for EFL university students (2021). She is a member of the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE) and The Romanian Society for English and American Studies (RSEAS).


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