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I have been part of the English Department teaching staff of the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi since 1999. I graduated in 1999 with a BA degree in English and French and in 2001 with an MA degree in American Cultural Studies from the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi. I became Doctor in Philology in 2005 with a dissertation entitled Southern Cultural Dimensions in Flannery O’Connor’s Fiction, published in 2008 (Universitas XXI, Iași). My teaching and research interests lie in the field of American cultural studies, with a special focus on nineteenth century literature and thought and on American regional representations, mainly the American South as well as in British Literature: the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The teaching activities are completed by my research interests that resulted in a number of presentations in national and international conferences and publications in (conference) volumes or academic journals. Beside the publication of the PhD dissertation, I have published a number of individual volumes and I co-edited a guide for students (Shakespeare. An Introductory Guide. Eds. Iulia Blănuţă, Haralambie Athes, Camelia Cmeciu. Tehnopress, Iaşi, 2004), the volume In Honorem Prof. Dr. Ştefan Avădanei (Universitas XXI, Iaşi, 2006) and two issues of Linguaculture. International Journal of Iasi Linguaculture Centre for (Inter)cultural and (Inter)lingual Research (Wounded Minds, Wounded Bodies 3. 1(2012) and Trauma and Cultural Memory, 4. 1(2013). I was part of the team that organized a series of Department conferences: The International Conference Shakespeare and Europe: Nation(s) and Boundaries (Iași, 2007), Inscriptions on the Body: Violence and Its Encodings in Literature and Film (Iași, 2010) and Adaptation Unbounded: New Directions, New Agendas (Iași, 2013).